When the setup is finishing, a check is made to see if there is an Updates folder. Create an “Updates” Folder for Service/Fix Packs Learn more from our knowledgebase article on Antivirus Best Practices. If your IT security team does not allow this, or you are not comfortable with disabling them, you will want to add exceptions to prevent Kofax Capture from getting corrupted. We typically recommend temporarily disabling anti-virus and firewall to allow the installation to proceed without corrupting the installation. Unfortunately, this can cause issues when installing Kofax Capture.

Most anti-virus and firewall software do their jobs exceptionally well. Kofax Capture Installation Tips Temporarily Disable the Anti-Virus and Firewall This article covers these installation tips and a couple of the common pitfalls that occur when installing Kofax. Some examples include utilizing the Updates folder, and following an order of installation when working with OEM VRS software. However, there are ways you can optimize it and avoid potential issues. Installing Kofax Capture is a fairly straightforward process.